A leather handbag is allowed to glow in colors
A bag is a part of its user’s personality, a way of self-expression. They say a woman is known by her handbag – or its contents. Finding the right handbag can sometimes take time, and sometimes the right bag comes along when you weren’t even intending to buy a new one. A well-thought-out bag can serve you loyally for a long time.
We love colours!
In addition to black, we offer bags in red, yellow, orange, green, brown, blue, grey, beige, white, and wine red. Is there one particular colour you love above the rest? Do you want to colour-coordinate your bag and your outfit, or is a bag the icing on the cake in your look?
The design of these gorgeous Utua bags has taken into consideration the demands of everyday life – the handbags are made of durable materials with functional details and the capacity for both personal items and modern technology. Design, functionality, colour options, and ecological aspects are close to our hearts! The finishing touches on our Utua handbags will bring luxury to your everyday life. The bags come in charming colours – have you found your favourite yet?
Queen Elizabeth has been using the same bag model for more than 60 years. The contents of her bag have remained a mystery, but you know what items your handbag will hold. This makes it easier to choose
the right model. Some bags are a part of Utua’s EXCLUSIVE collection. The EXCLUSIVE collection consists of hand-picked products made of luxurious leather. These products are only manufactured in small quantities by hand.